About Me

Hello, Stranger. My Name is Rachel.

Nice to meet you! I went to college in New York City and never left! While I can’t say I’ve landed on a solid “career” yet, right now I’m exploring the world of Social Media Marketing 🙂 I discovered the wonderful world of Asian Beauty about 2 years ago and never looked back since! I’ve created this Blog to discuss different trends, new releases, and topics of interest in AB as well as to connect with more Skinthusiasts around the globe. In my free time, I enjoy being an avid K-Pop fan (including K-Hip Hop and KR&B artists), exploring New York City, and messing up baking recipes.

About My Skin

Warning: Long, drawn-out description about how my skin has changed over the last 10 or so years. Tdlr; I have sensitive, normal-to-dry skin that used to be acne-prone.



As with most people, my skin’s condition comes with a lot of emotional baggage. I’ve had quite the journey with my skin over the years and experienced almost every skin-type as a result, from oily/acne prone to dry/sensitive. As a teenager, I had normal skin with the occasional hormonal breakouts. To address these concerns, I saw dermatologists and it was well under control. However, when I hit age 21, everything changed… when the fire nation attacked (just kidding).

At that time, I began to slowly but surely develop intense hormonal acne. For women in their 20s, hormonal acne is actually a very common but not well-acknowledged condition. It usually comes with deep and painful cysts along the jawline and cheeks, as it did in my case. I went through every over the counter, prescription, and oral medication under the sun until I had exhausted my options. At that point, I made the decision to start Accutane (AKA Roaccutane or the generic form, Isotretinoin). I’m aware that the mere mention of Accutane comes with a lot of violent reactions and misinterpretations. In my case, it wasn’t all that bad. After a 5 month course, I had finished my treatment and was acne-free, and have been ever since.

At present, I’m dealing with mild Rosacea. If you want to learn more about rosacea, check out this link. Besides that, my skin is (*knocks on wood*) in a healthy condition. I follow a Korean/Asian Skincare Routine. I can go into detail on exactly what that means and entails in later posts. But in short, it means I’m devoted to a multi-stepped routine consisting of mostly Asian Beauty products.

The best way to stay in touch is to follow me on Instagram @sweetnewharu, where I regularly post and chat with the awesome AB community. I can also be found perusing the Asian Beauty Subreddit, which is an excellent resource for beginners and aficionados alike, under a secret username that I will not disclose (for now, hehe).

Wishing you happy & glowy skin always,
